7 million steps – Blog #8 – SIGNS and Mini Miracles
Nothing I have done in my life could have prepared me for this walk. I looked at maps studies some weather statistics and I have trained, probably not enough!
I have completed 3 days – today is a rest day. Kelly my awesome travel companion and I are finally spending time sorting out the RV and getting it organised, we will then pack up say our final goodbyes to our wonderful hots, Terry & Nanette and head off towards Palm Springs to park the RV for the next 7 days.
On Friday I was saying to Kay, Denise and Kelly that we needed to buy a “bubble”/ Spirit level to make sure we always had the RV Fridge level. Denise said there was a phone app., so she took my phone and added it.
Personally I don’t like too many apps on my phone, so I made a note when we had time to buy a small level.
Laquita and I were walking on Saturday and I saw something on the path in front of us as we neared I realised it was a small bubble level – it was beaten up but it worked so in my backpack it went, a true sign this walk is being “cared” for!
Yesterday it was so hot, as I turned onto H371 the road started to climb almost immediately, I have trained this type of climb but I was not prepared for the eventual 3 hours I endured to finally reach the top and move downwards. About ¾ to the top I was getting really concerned as I had very little water left. I had started the climb with 2 full water bottles which I though was more than enough, but the constant heat had me drinking more and more. Not knowing when I would get water again I was thinking should I find shade or keep going hoping to run into a shop.
I was getting very nervous, I was literally praying for help / guidance a sign that water was near!
There was nothing I could see and I was getting really scared, something that is foreign to me, cars were whizzing past I prayed that one would stop and help me but the road was so narrow that didn’t seem possible! Then just as I was getting really panicky a battered old car stopped on the opposite side of the road. I crossed the road asking if they were ok? There were two women and a child in the car, they explained their car had broken down. They asked me what I was doing walking on a day so hot! I quickly explained and said you don’t have any water do you? They said of course and gave me a bottle then added do you want some Gator Aid? Oh my god I was so grateful just what I needed!
I thanked the ladies calling them angels and started walking again!
I stopped a little way off and gulped down the Gator Aid instantly feeling so much better I continued on for another 4-5 miles until Kelly and Nanette collected me and brought me back to the RV.
I learned a valuable lesson yesterday to study the maps more and carry plenty of water.
Love reading these posts. Thinking about you so often, and it is wonderful to get a glimpse of what how you are doing and what is going on…even helps in knowing how to pray for you and the walk. Thank you for what you are doing!!!!