Blog 29 7 million Steps Walking
As I have written in several blogs I did not train for this Walk, other than in a fairly disjointed program, although I did work with my personal trainer and chiropractor in my overall fitness and ensuring my walking gait was correct. Mentally I didn’t even think about the actual need to walk 22 miles a day! I remember sitting on the plane flying over, thinking it felt like some kind of crazy dream, this is not really happening! I wanted to shout “I am walking across America” to more convince myself rather than anyone else.
I truly didn’t think about the actual walking until that first day, as we left the Discovery Center taking our first steps. I remember saying to myself, this is day 1 only 179 days to go! Now I am on day 67 and I have 113 days til I complete the walk!
Was I daunted by the thought of walking over 3000 miles? Again I can honestly say I never considered the distance other than I knew this was the mileage between Carlsbad and Washington DC. on our chosen route.
I guess you could say I was naïve, perhaps stupid or just had a belief in the process that all would work out all right!
After all I had been through over the years with Josh, the determination and resilience I had to demonstrate with his doctors, I really thought the walk has to be done so just do it!
Because “God” had commanded I should “Walk Across America” I assumed that with his help I would be fine! Blind faith!
Those first six weeks, when I was plagued with a UTI that wouldn’t clear, chronic diarrhea, a broken toe, blisters on nearly every toe and my heels, there was only one time I thought this is too hard and nearly quit…but I had a day off and reinvigorated…kept walking. I have walked most days even on my days off. I understand most people don’t care about the miles I walk each day, but I and a small team of close friends and family do; I made a commitment and I will stick to it! Even with my recent strained back I still managed to walk shorter distances each day in between dealing with the injury!
I would love to have a day off, just lay in bed and do nothing for the day, unfortunately this isn’t happening! The schedule I have set myself is pretty inflexible having to fit the walk in with my 6 month visa.
As it is I have to apply for an extension for three weeks!
After nearly nine weeks, what I now know is that mentally, I could not have ever prepared myself for this walk, every day is different and many days come with a new set of challenges.
What I know categorically is that “God” wants me to finish this walk, there are several reasons.
Our RV, if I was to picture an ideal RV it would have been the one Shirley and Bill ended up purchasing – it’s perfect for me and Kelly – not too big not too small! We are very happy living in it! And even though I don’t like camping or caravanning, I love our RV!
Finding Kelly, with two weeks to go! Again, if I could have described the perfect travel companion I couldn’t have found anyone more “right” than Kelly. Kelly is calm when I am frantic with worry! Kelly doesn’t get flustered, unlike me who is paranoid about getting lost, and I now have developed a healthy fear for “dogs” that aren’t restrained! A fear Kelly and I both share!
Kelly can read maps and knows her directions – I love my GPS! Kelly doesn’t use one! Yet we never get lost! It’s fair to say we are the odd couple but it’s working and I am so grateful!
My day of reckoning (I believe was all part of “God’s” plan to test my commitment and resilience) when I was nearly attacked by the Indian dogs on the reservation near Gallup. I know if the empty bottle hadn’t been at my foot then perfectly lobbed by me so it exploded in their faces, I would have been badly mauled. The panic, sheer fear I felt at that moment and yet after walking 3 ½ miles back to Kelly’s car I was perfectly calm, ready to keep walking!
I truly believe “God” set that test up and I therefore have a total belief in the success of the Warrior Momz Walk albeit we’ve had a slow start with events and fundraising! What is important – our support grows every day, the recent interview Kelly and I did was shared over 50 times!
A friend in Australia messaged me today sending me wishes “to keep strong!” Saying I was doing a fabulous job!” We had discussed my training at length before I left Australia I am sure he knew I had no clue what I was getting myself into. I answered him back “I now know you can’t train for something like this, you can either do it or not!”
I still have nearly 1800 miles to walk. If the first nine weeks are any indication, barring a serious injury, I am confident I will complete the Warrior Momz Walk!
So tomorrow is a new day, another 22 miles, starting the same way each day, by taking the first step and keep walking!
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