7 MILLION STEPS – Entry 24 – Walking!
The Day – Preparation and Walking!
Kelly and I have been travelling for seven weeks, it seems like it’s been so much longer. We are so locked into our lives being focused around walking, hand cycling, eating well, having plenty of water and sleep!! My favourite place is my bed, I love climbing into bed at night; it’s really my relaxed/safe place!
Am I enjoying the Warrior Momz Walk? Umm there is no lying – it’s been so very tough! It’s challenging for me because I personally would not walk in such remote isolated places in Australia…I would never do a walk such as this at home unless I had a lot more support!
It’s early days – some days are awesome others you just want to end! The good news is we are moving away from the heat! I guess in a few weeks I will be complaining about the cold. I did train in the Australian winter so layering it will be!
While it was hot, it was easy to get out of bed every morning. Now the nights are really cold so it’s hard getting out of such a warm comfy bed!
When I am walking I try to focus on just walking, not overthinking things, there have been times when I was so scared I really had to force myself to keep taking one more step.
I truly hate the isolation of some of the places I have walked, being a City gal it’s so very different!
My favourite walk was the Petrified Forest, it was remote but lots of cars and people and the vista was stunning!
I love cities I feel in safe in them and unfortunately I don’t feel the same about the countryside, especially if there are few cars on the road! But I am doing it! I never expected this walk would be easy! Kelly on the other hand loves exploring the roads and trails and is really enjoying the adventure! I am constantly worrying about events, so little money coming in for scholarships — and trying to maintain being positive! Kelly keeps me grounded.
In my heart I know I can complete the walk into Washington DC, my legs are strong and other than a niggling injury to my right foot I feel I am in good shape. I really need to do more weight bearing exercise as I am losing condition in my arms, but I am so tired when I get back to the RV all I want to do is shower, eat and go to bed.
With it just being me and Kelly, we have to watch out for each other; on most days no one really knows our route, they know the general area but not what route we are taking. We have a rule that we are never more than one hour away from each other.
Our days are really busy: up early, preparing smoothies which I am bored with, but know I have to drink them, eating as much sustaining food as possible for breakfast, as we don’t carry a lot of food to eat through the day, mainly nuts, protein bars and bananas.
Kelly is always bright and happy in contrast with me as I am not so relaxed, I try to enjoy myself but there is always so much to do and there are days I wish I only had to walk!
I feel the pressure with raising money for scholarships as our goal. I am hoping things become easier once we are on the east side of the country. I am starting to attend Rotary Clubs along the way, this has been rewarding personally and it’s great to do something “normal” for an hour or so!
I miss my family especially AJ. It’s not a great relationship builder having to rely on FaceTime to interact with him. He is a little champion. Josh says Grandma kze is calling and he will rush over and kiss the cell screen.
Overall I will look back on these 6 ½ months in the future and know I have achieved something very few could, my hope is we are able to raise a lot of money to pay out scholarships and grants for activity based therapy for those who need it!
And personally I will be better at reading maps and knowing my compass points!
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